How to integrate an in-app guide created with HelloApp Studio

To integrate the created in-app guide into your application you just need to execute the .HAPLAY file. You generate the .HAPLAY file from your in-app guide project when you use the Publish command in HelloApp Studio. You will see in the samples below that the integration of in-app guides created with HelloApp Studio is one of the easiest tasks.

Please note: the target computer must have installed the HelloApp Studio Player. You can download the install package for the player from our download section. There is available a separate download package that includes the Player’s installation only. Just click the “Download Player ONLY” button. You can freely distribute it to your users.

Below you can find the integration samples of in-app guides created with HelloApp Studio with applications created under different application development tools and languages:

Our first example would be the integration into the desktop application created in Delphi. You can download Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio from Embarcadero web site.

Below is the video of how the integration sample works:

Let's see how we implement this.

This sample displays 2 different in-app guide files, one for every form.

The sample supports Windows and Mac OS as target platforms. So, to launch the .HAPLAY file on the Windows we use ShellExecute() function. And under Mac OS we use _system() function:

// FileName- is the name of the .HAPLAY file to open
procedure ShowGuide(const FileName: string);
  ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(FileName), nil, '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
  _system(PAnsiChar('open ' + '"' + AnsiString(FileName) + '"'));

Once we display the form, we also display the in-app guide. Therefore, we add the code into OnShow event of the form. The code is similar for both application's forms: we check if the guide file exists and open it.

  MainGuide = 'mainsample1.haplay';
  if FileExists(MainGuide) then

As you can see, just a couple lines of the code integrated the in-app guide into the desktop application!

You can find the full source code and compiled executable of this sample under Integrations sub-folder of HelloApp Studio Examples installation.

The second example is the integration of an in-app guide into Java desktop application.

Preview of how the sample works:

This sample displays single guide containing two tooltips. To display the guide we use the open() method of the Desktop object:

try {
File file = new File("sample_java1.haplay");
if (!Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
System.out.println("System not supported!");
Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
if (file.exists()) {;
} catch(Exception ex) {

We add the code above to the ActionListener for the button Help. As a result, we display the guide when user clicks on the button.

With just a couple lines of the code, we integrate the guide into your application!

You can find the full source code and compiled executable of this sample under Integrations sub-folder of HelloApp Studio Examples installation.

C++Builder application integration code is very similar to the Delphi code. Therefore, in order to display a guide we will use something like the following:

// FileName- is a guide's file name (.HAPLAY)
void ShowGuide(LPWSTR FileName) {
     ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", FileName, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)

Feel free to drop us an email if you experience any troubles integrating HelloApp Studio created in-app guides with your application development tool. You can also use our Contacts page to submit your queries.

We will really appreciate if you send us any sample of your own integration. We will share them on our web site to help others.

Here are some of the videos of in-app guide integrations into different desktop applications:

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