Software Update Policy

Minor Updates vs Major Upgrades

A minor update is a revision that encapsulates software bug fixes and often includes small functional enhancements. Minor updates are signified by minor version number increments. For example, a minor update from version 1.0 would be 1.0.2, 1.1, 1.2.1 etc

A major upgrade is a revision that involves extensive engineering work to provide significant enhancements to a product. Major upgrades are often accompanied with new documentation and are signified by an increment in the integer portion of the version number. For example, a major upgrade from version 1.0 would be labeled 2.0, therefore, current product is for example HelloApp Studio 1.0, and it will be clear from marketing and description, that HelloApp Studio 2.0 is released, and not a minor update of previous version.

HelloApp Studio registered users are entitled to free minor updates. For example if you are a registered user of version 1.0 you are able to download and use updates labeled 1.0.1, 1.1 etc.

Price Protection

If you purchase a license for HelloApp Studio and a major upgrade is released within one month of your purchase date you are entitled to a free upgrade to the new major release.

If you have any questions concerning software upgrades please send us a message either by email or using contacts form at

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HelloApp® and SiComponents® are registered trademarks of Igor Siticov.